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Thank you for visiting the Internet home of Trinity Bible Church of Portland, Oregon.
We began our ministry in January, 1981, with the intent of proclaiming the sovereign grace of God to the glory of our triune God. It is our intention to seek the edification of the people of God at Trinity Bible Church through the expositional preaching and teaching of God's Holy Word. We believe that the understanding of God's Word is powerful for the transformation of the lives of His people and have therefore sought to focus our ministry to that end. We do not view ourselves as a social institution to meet the various social needs of different subgroups in the family of God. We do not seek to provide entertainment. We seek the transformation of God's people into the image of our Savior Jesus Christ.
We desire to minister to our people by this presence on the internet. We want to provide access to the church ministries and enable our people to contact us for their various needs. To this end, we have members-only sections that are password protected. We also desire to make this ministry available to the general public and have sections where any can obtain and read sermons for personal edification. For those who would desire to join with us, directions to our meeting facility are posted. For any with questions or desire for help in finding forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation, we invite you to contact us. It is our hope that this web site will honor our Savior and bring blessing to His people.
Below is the upcoming livestream or the most recent message recording.
Due to recent livestream quality issues, we are testing streaming through SermonAudio.com. Both stream boxes below should play the same live service, but if one does not work, please try the other.

Please visit the Recorded Messages page for audio and video archives of recent and past messages.
© Copyright 2025, Trinity Bible Church of Portland, Oregon         Web hosting by 1&1 Web Hosting