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  Catalog Number Series Scripture Results 1 - 35 of 35
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Recent Messages
(2 weeks by date)  Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): All Current Messages
7-AC 07-14-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the Formation of the Church Mr. James Wierson, III
32-BBWC 07-14-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:21     
Fathers, Do Not Provoke Your Children Pastor Will Custis
1-ST 07-14-2024PM The Sabbath and the Lord's Day Selected Scriptures     
An Invitation to Stop Pastor Will Custis
8-AC 07-21-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church Mr. James Wierson, III
33-BBWC 07-21-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:22-25     
Obedient Servants Who Fear God Pastor Will Custis
112-SMWC 07-21-2024PM Special Message Selected Scriptures     
The Lord's Supper Pastor Will Custis
9-AC 07-28-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit and the Work of Salvation Mr. James Wierson, III
34-BBWC 07-28-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 4:1     
Just Masters Pastor Will Custis

Weekly Message Podcast feeds

Sunday School:  Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Sunday School Messages      Sunday AM Service:  Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Sunday AM Messages      Sunday PM Service:  Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Sunday PM Messages

Past Messages
(3 months by section and series)

AC — Series: Discipleship     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: Discipleship
34-AC 04-28-2024SS Discipleship Ephesians 4:7-13     
Christ Gave Gifts, part 2 Mr. James Wierson, III
35-AC 05-05-2024SS Discipleship Ephesians 4:14-16     
Christ Gave Gifts, part 3 Mr. James Wierson, III
36-AC 05-12-2024SS Discipleship Ephesians 4:17-19     
Putting on the New Man, part 1 Mr. James Wierson, III
37-AC 05-19-2024SS Discipleship Ephesians 4:20-24     
Putting on the New Man, part 2 Mr. James Wierson, III
38-AC 05-26-2024SS Discipleship Ephesians 4:25-32     
Putting on the New Man, part 3 Mr. James Wierson, III

AC — Series: The Holy Spirit     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: The Holy Spirit
1-AC 06-02-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The LORD our God is One Mr. James Wierson, III
2-AC 06-09-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit and the Word of God Mr. Dillon Rowe
3-AC 06-16-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Mr. Joe O'Banion
4-AC 06-23-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the Teachings of the Old Testament Prophets Mr. James Wierson, III
5-AC 06-30-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus Mr. James Wierson, III
6-AC 07-07-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
Jesus Teaches About the Holy Spirit Mr. James Wierson, III
7-AC 07-14-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the Formation of the Church Mr. James Wierson, III
8-AC 07-21-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church Mr. James Wierson, III
9-AC 07-28-2024SS The Holy Spirit Selected Scriptures     
The Holy Spirit and the Work of Salvation Mr. James Wierson, III

BBWC — Series: The Epistle to the Colossians     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: The Epistle to the Colossians
24-BBWC 04-28-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:16     
Singing to One Another and to God in Worship, part 1 Pastor Will Custis
25-BBWC 05-12-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:16     
Singing to One Another and to God in Worship, part 2 Pastor Will Custis
26-BBWC 05-19-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:16     
Singing to One Another and to God in Worship, part 3 Pastor Will Custis
27-BBWC 05-26-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:17     
In Jesus' Name Pastor Will Custis
28-BBWC 06-02-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:18     
Fitting Submission for Wives Pastor Will Custis
29-BBWC 06-09-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:19     
Husbands, Love Your Wives Pastor Will Custis
30-BBWC 06-30-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:19     
Husbands, Love Your Wives, part 2 Pastor Will Custis
31-BBWC 07-07-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:20     
Children's Obedience to Parents Pastor Will Custis
32-BBWC 07-14-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:21     
Fathers, Do Not Provoke Your Children Pastor Will Custis
33-BBWC 07-21-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 3:22-25     
Obedient Servants Who Fear God Pastor Will Custis
34-BBWC 07-28-2024AM The Epistle to the Colossians Colossians 4:1     
Just Masters Pastor Will Custis

BC — Series: 2024 Spring Bible Conference     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: 2024 Spring Bible Conference
1-BC 05-05-2024AM 2024 Spring Bible Conference Romans 10     
Ignorance Hurts Dr. Patrick Abendroth
2-BC 05-06-2024pm 2024 Spring Bible Conference Romans 4     
God Justifies the Ungodly Dr. Patrick Abendroth
3-BC 05-07-2024HC 2024 Spring Bible Conference Romans 8     
No Condemnation Now Dr. Patrick Abendroth
4-BC 05-08-2024pm 2024 Spring Bible Conference Romans 1; 16     
Evangelizing Christians Dr. Patrick Abendroth

GS — Series: Guest Speaker     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: Guest Speaker
GS-COTI 06-16-2024AM Guest Speaker II Timothy 1:8     
What's Coming? What To Do Mr. Tim Copper
GS-ELDE 07-07-2024PM Guest Speaker Selected Scriptures     
Family Meeting on Church Ministry Path TBC Elders

OM — Series: 2023-24 Ladies Bible Study     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: 2023-24 Ladies Bible Study
7-OM 05-03-2024WM 2023-24 Ladies Bible Study Jude 24-25     
Miss Alicia Hanson

SMJW — Series: Special Message     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: Special Message
1-SMJW 06-23-2024AM Special Message John 6:35-40     
Jesus the Giver of Life Mr. James Wierson, III

SMWC — Series: Special Message     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: Special Message
112-SMWC 07-21-2024PM Special Message Selected Scriptures     
The Lord's Supper Pastor Will Custis

ST — Series: The Sabbath and the Lord's Day     Podcast feed: Audio RSS (MP3): Series: The Sabbath and the Lord's Day
1-ST 07-14-2024PM The Sabbath and the Lord's Day Selected Scriptures     
An Invitation to Stop Pastor Will Custis
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